March 28th, 2013 | → 1 Comments | ∇ Blah, Original Comic Strips |
Hallowscream! Phantasmagorical Fifth Issue Submission Guidelines
by M.I.K.Submissions should be horror orientated and must be weird or spooky to make the final cut. We are mainly looking for completed comic strips between 1-7 pages in length. Script submissions should also preferably be around 1-7 psges in length. Eerie illustrations and artwork along with interesting horror/comic articles, scary short stories, petrifying poems or anything just plain creepy will also be considered.
To get an idea of the sort of stuff we’re after, you can download previous issues of Hallowscream here.
If you’re looking to illustrate something, get in contact and we’ll give you details of available scripts to see if anything suits your fancy.
We’ll also consider material previously published elsewhere, as long as the contributors own the copyright.
Completed artwork can be either colour or black and white, and should preferably be A4 (21cm x 29.7cm) 300 dpi jpegs.
Submissions can be sent to or
As this is a non-profit, small press publication, contributors will not be paid but they will retain copyright on any material submitted.
Scripts, articles and text submissions : Sunday 28th July
Artwork : Sunday 6th October
Completed strips : Sunday 20th October.
The finished issue will be available online as a free pdf by October 31st, with a physical copy becoming available via, shortly afterwards. You can also keep up to date with Hallowscream news via the Facebook Page
(Note : There won’t be an issue of Shocking Chillers this year, but if you still want to submit a Christmas themed story and you’re willing to wait a year or two to see it appear in an issue, we’ll happily accept it and put it aside for future use).
by M.I.K.
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I must be in the minority, but I pefrer your illustrations to be static rather than in movie form. Something about being able to scroll at my own time and really appreciate each picture’s awesomeness.But it was still lovely. 🙂 My parents have 3 cats – one thinks he’s a dog, one is your normal skittish kitty, and one is possessed by Satan on a regular basis. The second will do things like your video when she really really really doesn’t want to be held (whatareyoudoingLEMMEGOLEMMEGOLEMMEGOIHAVECLAWSSUCKA!), and the demonic one when he feels like it (oh, you’re petting me lovingly because I walked up next to you? HISSSSSSSSSSSSS). The one that thinks he’s a dog will walk outside on a leash and runs to the door when people come. Go figure.