Greetings ghosts and ghoulies and welcome to The Theatre of Terror the home of horror comic news, reviews, classic comic scans and creepy art from around the world. Just remember, it's not for the nervous!
If you’re a fan of horror comic movie adaptions then DYLAN DOG: Dead of Night should be right up your alley. Based on the hugely popular comic series that began back in 1986, this movie adaption stars Brandon Routh (Superman Returns) as Dylan Dog, a ‘Nightmare Investigator’ and paranormal policeman.
The comic series was written by Tiziano Sclavi and drawn by Claudio Villa and is widely reconginsed as the most popular comic book in Italian history as well as selling countless copies around the world.
It seems my German cousin Grauenhaft von Nasty was busy spreading the word of Scream long after its demise. Whilst searching the catacombs this morning I found reference to 4 German Scream Holiday Specials released between 1988-1990. Published by Bastei Verlag this collection of Gespenster Geschichten (Ghost Stories) are reprints from the IPC archive with a couple of extremely interesting cover variants. Behold the German Scream!
Another horror art post my little fleshlings. I’ve always been considered extremely ‘street’ down here in the depths. It’s true! I’ve been rocking the hoody look since before time began.
Today we focus on the work of the Austrian graffiti artist and illustrator Nychos who has been described as…
“Twisted at birth, brainwashed throughout his childhood, poisoned by the media and fostered by the dark side, Nychos, the evil genius has been genetically modifying an army of lime green mutated tentacles, maggots, monsters and femme fatales to take over the world.”
As you can see from a selection of his work below this street artist has a really distinct style within the grafitti genre. Nychos also clearly has an excellent understanding of horror and is able to put that across in his work.
You can find examples of his work scattered across the urban landscapes of major European cities. For those mortals too lazy to find them yourselves visit
One of our most important task on The Theatre of Terror is to spread horror around the world. This includes comics, video, TV shows, ghastly tales and of course horror art. With that in mind you might want to take a look at the work of Californian illustrator Mike Dubisch.
Mike has a great eye for sketching sinister undertones in to his work as you can see from the delightfully weird image below titled Sesame Strange.
As well as working on comic strips and book illustations Mr Dubisch describes himself as an ‘artist of the fantastic, the C’thonic, and the ascendant’ and has released of book of stunning Cthulu artwork entitled The Black Velvet Necronomicon.
Rejoice horror fans for it is Easter and we are once again reminded of the greatest zombie tale of them all. I’m sure you’ve all been told the spooky bedtime story of when Jesus was brutally crucified only to return from the grave to wreak revenge on his killers. It’s a classic!
Anyways we have an Easter treat for all you twisted freaks. A short horror movie entitled The Easter Bunny Is Eating My Candy. Enjoy.
Greetings mortals. Learning isn’t always fun, unless we’re learning new methods of torture, however, in the U.S. the McPherson College Library has come up with an engaging way of introducing it’s students to the college facilities.
Creators C Michael Hall, Matt Upson and Dustin Evans have made a 23 page PDF horror comic story based in the College’s library. As slobbering zombies are attacking from all sides the comic book’s heroes attempt to solve the problems using the resources available to them in the library. It’s a great way of making a dull subject interesting, as well as educating it’s members on various methods of zombie disposal.
This gripping zombie adventure has been downloaded over six hundred and fifty thousand times! Wan’t to see what all the fuss is about. You can download the zombie packed action adventure by clicking right here.
It seems that the zombie apocalpse can be a lonely time for both survivors and victims. It’s true that even zombies need loving too.
I once knew a ghoul who dated a zombie for a while. She said he was perfectly stiff for a few days but he got so rotten that she had to break it off! Then she dumped him. After that…he just fell apart. Very sad.
If you’re a necrophyliac who likes their love interest to moan then take a look at Zombie Harmony. It’s only a fun page but i’m loving the concept.
A Ghastly Tale with a truly terrible twist. This is one page horror at it’s most delicious. Straight from episode 4 of Scream! Ghosts and ghoulies i give you Mirror Mirror…
2 news items in one day mortals, well we must make sure you get your daily dose of horror. Take a look at the Trick ‘r Treat Movie Twitter Page. Their latest post is somewhat cryptic (mmmm, i love crypts. My favourite place for a holiday!) but confirms the 2nd installment of the Trick ‘r Treat movie series is definitely going to happen:
Sam WILL return…
Trick ‘r Treat is a horror anthology that contains 4 Halloween based stories entwined around each other and lovingly bridged together via a comic style theme that will make any horror comic fan drool in delight. It’s graphic style is reminiscent of the Creepshow movies and it’s great to see it used so well by Director Michael Dougherty.
If you’ve not seen this film before then you really deserve to be flayed alive. It’s the official Halloween movie in the McNasty household! Take a peek, if you dare, at the film trailer below. For more details on this terrorific movie visit the official Trick ‘r Treat website.
A very dark and delicious story doing the rounds at the moment readers is that horror legend Stephen King is in negotiations to write an episode of AMC’s zombie TV series The Walking Dead.
While this deal is still in its early stages it seems likely to happen. Executive producer Frank Darabont has already collaborated with King several times, directing The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption and one of my personal favourite horror movies The Mist. Such a soul-wrenching ending, gives me ghastly goosebumps just thinking about it.
The first episode of The Walking Dead aired on ‘normal’ TV in the UK on Sunday with 1.4 million zombie-crazed viewers, an 8.2% share on the box. Not bad considering it was already aired on FX last year and was fighting for viewers with the final of The Masters on BBC2. Why would any creature would want to watch golf instead of zombies? All that green grass and sunshine. Give me weeds and dark foreboding skies any day of the week.
London Horror Comic is one of the few horror anthologies out there still rocking the indy market. Writer John-Paul Kamath knows how to craft a horror story and has been receving rave reviews on the first 3 issues of the comic. You can purchase these over on
If you’re after a taster you can check out this free short story from London Horror Comic entitled Web of Life.
Back from the Depths has been without a forum for a while now so it gives me great pleasure to announce the new Scream forum can now be found on is a brand new and exciting venture that will hopefully one day grow to become the No.1 place to talk horror comics on the web. From pre-code horror comics, such as EC Classics like Tales from the Crypt and The Haunt of Fear, all the way up to modern horror comics, such as The Walking Dead and Locke & Key, this new site will cater for every ghoul’s horror needs.
In the mean time Scream fans have the place to themselves so if you’re looking for a place to talk about IPC’s ghastly horror comic Scream! then head on over to
Do you want to join the Scream team? We're looking for enthusiastic people to contribute articles on horror or comics here on The Theatre of Terror. Contact me for more info.