September 28th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews |

End Times #1 – Review

by Decapitated Dan

Issue: End Times #1
Writers: Jeff Edmond, Vin Davis, Charles Anthony
Artist: Vin Davis
Price: $5.95

“Premier collectors issue!”

Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
Yes, my favorite printing style for horror comics is magazine sized, and End Times #1 knows that, so lets put a +1 in the positives column right off the bat! What this issue brings to the table is a great sense of horror comic nostalgia, mixed with some great modern tales. Now I throw in the nostalgia line because of the way this book is presented in terms of printing, and because of the overall feeling I got while reading it. The stories are a good mix of Creepy and Eerie styled themes, mixing both horror and sci-fi genres throughout. The artwork is consistent throughout, but at times I didn’t care too much for the shading styles. I kind of felt that the grey’s took away from the great line work. But that is me being nit-picky. The stories are fantastic. My favorite had to be “De-Cap-Puc-Cino”, because of the overall presentation. Davis did a great job on drawing that entire cast, and the story by Edmond was funny and creepy. Overall, this is a great first issue from this bunch. It has room to move forward with future issues, and I will only expect it to get better and better. It is easy for me to tell you to pick this one up and check it out, because I had a great time reading it.

Artwork: 4.0 out of 5 • Story: 4.0 out of 5

If you would like to buy or know more about End Times you can find it at


Theatre of Terror

September 28th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews |

Koma OGN – Review

by Decapitated Dan

Issue: Koma OGN
Writer: Pierre Wazem
Artist: Frederik Peeters
Colors: Albertine Ralenti
Publisher: Humanoids
Price: $29.95


“Addidas is a bright and quirky young girl who spends most of her time helping her widowed father in his job as a chimney sweep in the industrial metropolis they live in. When Addidas ventures too far into a chimney, she encounters a bizarre new friend…”

Dying Breath: 5.0 out of 5
I don’t even know how to start this review without just saying, Book of the Year front-runner. I was so blown away with what happened on these 280+ pages that I feel like trying to sum it up will only come across as a gushing love letter to the creators. So let’s do just that. I went into this book not knowing what to expect, well I expected to read about a little girl and her new Monster friend, but instead I was introduced to a world that was so imaginative and original. If I even try to compare this to anything, and keep in mind that I am just basing this off of the overall feel I had when I was done reading this, I would have to say Spirited Away. Yes I know that one is a movie and the other is a comic, but that is as close to any kind of comparison I can even make. The art work is so GORE-Geous from page to page. The facial expressions are so key to the telling of this story and Peeters delivers ever single time. While the colors are mostly dark in the book, dealing with a drab cityscapes, chimneys and underground monsters, it still shines page after page. The art just jumps right into your face and demands your attention. Towards the end of the book, when you are shown the scenes of the countryside, you see the full potential of this team. This story alone should be winning awards left and right. Every time I thought that I knew what was going to happen I was slapped in the face and told no. Wazem’s dialogue, which is translated into English, is done so well. His voices for the entire cast are so believable for who they all are. The story has so much mystery and depth to it. The relationship between Addidas and all of the characters will pull at your heart-strings, and when all is said and done, you will just feel alive. Is that enough gushing for you? I can not suggest a book more than I will this one. This is the whole package and so much more. I will be reading this over and over for years to come.

Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 5.0 out of 5

If you would like to buy or know more about Koma you can find it at


Theatre of Terror

September 28th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Graphic Novels & Comics |

Frankenstein Alive, Alive!

by Ghastly McNasty

Horror comic royalty team-up alert! Back in 83, award winning horror comic artist Bernie Wrightson, along with Marvel, released an illustrated version of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s Frankenstein which pretty much received universal acclaim as a masterclass in combining written text with i

“This is an idea that’s been rattling around somewhere in the back of my mind for a good many years,” said Wrightson. “I mentioned it to Steve and we started talking. In about two minutes I realized that not only were we on the same page, we shared a vision. I’m very excited to see this finally happening. It’s going to be lot of fun.”

said, Wrightson.

Have a read of Niles interview with Wrightson over on


Theatre of Terror

September 16th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews |

Debris #1 – Review

by Decapitated Dan

Issue: Debris #1
Writer: Kurtis Wiebe
Artist: Riley Rossmo
Publisher: Image Comics
Price: $3.50

“In the far future, humanity has doomed planet earth to rot and decay, covering her surface with garbage. Now, ancient spirits called the Colossals rise from the debris and attack the remaining survivors, forcing the human race to the brink of extinction. One warrior woman, Maya, sets out to find the last source of pure water to save the world before the monsters bring it all to an end.”

Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5
What in the world is going on here? This book is awesome and WAAAY too short! Oh man I want it all right now, this was so good people! The Wieley tandem is back and in full force. If you ask me Rossmo is always out doing his own work. The way he went from Rebel Blood, which was a dark horror tale, to a bright and vibrant futuristic world full of machines, is simply amazing. He really shows off his talent with the cover alone, look at the machine aspects involved. This book is just beautiful to look at, which again leads me to wanting more RIGHT NOW! If you are not reading Wiebe’s work, then you are missing out at a man who is ascending the comic writer mountain right now. His concept for this story is mind-blowingly good, and he is writing it to perfection. The story is gripping, and if issue #1 is only a sign of things to come, then this one will be something you are all going to be talking about. Sure this is not my typical horror fare, but when I get a chance to cover anything by Wieley, I will. They are a team to be reckoned with, pushing the envelope on great original content, and proving why comics will always be a fun medium. Read Debris, you will not be disappointed.

Artwork: 4.5 out of 5 • Story: 4.5 out of 5

If you would like to buy or know more about Debris you can find it at


Theatre of Terror

September 11th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews |

Grim Leaper #2 – Review

by Decapitated Dan

Issue: Grim Leaper #2
Writer: Kurtis Wiebe
Artist: Aluisio Santos
Publisher: Image Comics
Release Date: June 2012
Price: $3.50

“Lou Collins: Serial Leaper. Lou desperately tries to find Ella, the woman with an identical curse, before his next horrific death. But, there’s malevolence waiting in the darkness, something that wants to kill Lou before he even gets the chance. Something alive.”

Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5
I think I am in love people. I am in love with tree shavings and octopus juices, because they bring things like Grim Leaper to my eyes. If I didn’t say it enough when I reviewed issue #1, Santos is an amazing artist. Just the death scenes alone, are enough to show how GORE-Geous his style is. When you add in the other panels it just makes my black heart skip a beat. This is a visual treat, so make sure to savor it. The story by Wiebe moves right along and only gets more and more interesting. I love the concept and how it is being played out. I find myself enjoying the chemistry that Lou and Ella have, but then I flip-flop and I root for them to die. I guess I am just a romantic. This series is so much more than I could have ever expected, and I don’t want to see it end at #4. I say death to the mini, lets ride this one out for years and years, it has so many different ways it can go. Just think of their first fight when they kill each other. Read it people, it really is that damn good.

Artwork: 5.0 out of 5Story: 4.5 out of 5

If you would like to buy or know more about Grim Leaper you can find it at


Theatre of Terror

September 3rd, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews |

El Bigote #0 – Review

by Decapitated Dan

Issue: El Bigote #0
Writer: Matthew Mclaughlin
Artist: El Chivo
Publisher: Tekilla Comix
Release Date: May 2012

“Living-dead banditos and skeletal gunfighters, ghostly Federales and ghoulish Conquistadores, cannibalistic muertoads and spectral sessquatches prowl Mexico’s haunted prairies – and its up to undead mustachio-quillslinger El Bigote to put them back in their tequila worm-graves!”

Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
Yee Haw Cowboys! El Bigote is here to save us from the undead side of Western Hell! The artwork in this issue is fantastic. Chivo has a great style that fits perfectly in both the Horror and Western genres. I really enjoyed his GORE-Geous characters and how great they looked from panel to panel. And those Tekilla Worms were amazing. The story is very original and mixes elements of both English and Spanish culture. The issue takes place on the undead side of life, picture limbo or hell if you will. So I can’t wait to see if these characters can actually stay dead, I know it was hinted at within the story. Mclaughlin dis a great job on the dialogue, but at times I did have to go get the Spanish to English dictionary out. No matter how I look at it, this issue was a blast. I enjoyed it from start to finish and I can not wait to get more in front of my horror loving eyes. Great stuff, now pass the Tekilla!

Artwork: 4.5 out of 5 • Story: 4.0 out of 5

If you would like to buy or know more about El Bigote you can find it at


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