February 24th, 2010 | → 4 Comments | ∇ Blah |

Hallowscream! 2010 Special Submission Guidelines

by M.I.K.

Following the success of the Back From The Depths Hallowscream Special in 2009, we’ve decided to do it all again this year. That means we’re once again looking for contributors. Here’s this year’s guidelines, (barely altered from last year’s guidelines ‘cos I’m feeling incredibly lazy)…

Ideal submissions should be horror orientated and must be weird or spooky to make the final cut. We are mainly looking for completed comic strips between 1-7 pages in length. Script submissions should also preferably be around 1-7 psges in length. Eerie illustrations and artwork along with interesting horror/comic articles, scary short stories, petrifying poems or anything just plain creepy will also be considered.

If you’re an artist looking to illustrate a script, get in contact and we’ll give you details of what might require your skills.

We’ll also consider material previously published elsewhere, as long as the contributors own the copyright.

Completed artwork can be either colour or black and white, and should preferably be A4 (21cm x 29.7cm) 300 dpi jpegs.

Submissions can be sent to malcolm_iain_kirk@yahoo.co.uk or you can join the ning group and upload stuff there if you prefer.

As this is a non-profit, small press publication, contributors will not be paid but they will retain copyright on any material submitted.


Scripts, articles and text submissions : Saturday 24th July

Artwork : Saturday 9th October

Completed strips : Saturday 23rd October.

The finished issue will be available online for free on October 31st.


Theatre of Terror

February 12th, 2010 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Blah, News |

Alton Towers Th13teen

by Ghastly McNasty



The Alton Towers marketing team have been in overdrive this past week promoting their new ride ‘Th13teen’ officially due to open next month.  Billed as a psychoaster Alton Towers claim the ride is a mix of physical and psychological terror but it’s he technology behind Thirteen that gives it a ‘world first’ status.

In what is surely marketing bluster, the park say it “will potentially make the ride so frightening that the Resort is considering introducing a controversial age-rating.” This is almost certainly a device to build hype for the ride, as opposed to a credible proposal.

I wonder if the Thirtennth Floor’s Max had anything to do with

Visit the official Thir13 site here.


Theatre of Terror

February 10th, 2010 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Blah |

Babes,Bullets and Blades

by Ghastly McNasty

David Gordon of My Excess Publishing and Underground Overkill is putting together an exciting project titled ‘Babes,Bullets and Blades’. Check out his mission statement below:

With the response to our last little project (Underground Overkill) a massive success, here’s a new one. We’re looking to do a book of pin up art, entitled Babes,Bullets and Blades, there’s no restriction on content other than the fact there has to be a babe at the core of each page. No strip work just pin ups.

This is a promo piece, each artist featured gets a wee bio listed at the back of the book with everyone else. No cover artist as yet, that’ll be decided at a later date, asuming of course enough of you come forward, I’m looking to move on this soon, in time for the mart in April, so a closing date of March 6th should be ample time.

Already confirmed are:
Dave Alexander – Macbam Brothers/Viz
Curt Sibling – Total Fear/Nexion
Adam Gomm – Nexion
Stephen McShane – Nexion
Dave Gordon – Myexcess/Nexion
Andy Lee – Nexion

Helen Taylor


Neil Bruce -Nexion
and many more.

The book itself will be A4 150+ pages BW/ Grayscale interiors, available through Lulu and Amazon. Unfortunately as I’m funding this, there is no money involved but your work will be seen by a great many people and be available through Waterstones as well. Copies of the book will be available to everyone involved at cost. So, if anyone is interested or has suggestions email me at newdoll18@hotmail.com.

Sounds damn cool and exactly the sort of topic that interests me. Contact Dave to get involved.


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