August 19th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews |

Gore #6 – Review

by Decapitated Dan

Issue: Gore #6
Writer: Alex Crippa
Artist: Emilio Laiso
Colors: Alessia Nocera
Publisher: GG Studio
Release Date: June 2012
Price: $2.99

“Demons invade the Carnival at Venice. These horrible nightmare-reflections of beloved fairytale characters are determined to tear a hole from their twisted world to ours. Demon Hunter Gabriel must force the demoness Cinderella, monster Little Mermaid, and countless others back through the portal before the last night of Carnival – else no one will live happily ever after!”

Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5
Once upon a time there was a comic book that took your typical Fairy Tale characters and turned them into horrible killing machines, welcome to Gore. This series kind of reminds me of a video game, in that every issue has a “boss” battle, or in comic terms, a bad ass mother $&^#% fight scene! The artwork by Laiso and Nocera in this issue is fantastic, but you can probably tell that from the cover. They really won me over with the decapitation scene, but that is to be expected. The panels are always consistent and the pages shine. This is just a GORE-Geous book (that is the first time that ever worked on 3 levels)! The story in this issue is paced just right. Yes you get a great action scene, but you also get a lot of build taking place. This is the middle of the series and I can tell things are about to take a really good turn. The dialogue though does have one or two moments of confusion, but you have to keep in mind that this is being translated, so that can happen. Overall this issue just adds more great depth to this amazing series. I wish I could go back and review each and every single issue, so you have to take my word for it. There have been some great death scenes in these issues that need to be seen by horror fan eyes. I can easily recommend this book for all fans of horror.

Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 4.5 out of 5

If you would like to buy or know more about Gore you can find it at


Theatre of Terror

August 8th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews |

Steamcraft #1 – Review

by Decapitated Dan

Issue: Steamcraft #1
Writer: David Hutchison
Artist: David Hutchison
Publisher: Antarctic Press
Release Date: June 2012
Price: $3.99

“With strange eons, even death may die, unleashing ancient horrors upon our world. They rise from the abyss or descend from the stars, caring no more for our existence than we care for the random atoms about us. Yet there are those who dare to strap on their brass and leather, shoulder their plasmotic rifles and stoke up the boilers to their super-cannons, land crawlers, submersibles and airships. Steam WILL save the world!”

Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5
What an amazing combination of 2 things I want to know more about. Steamcraft #1 blends together Lovecraft and Steampunk in a way that I would have never guessed, and it turns out oh so perfect. The artwork in this book was the biggest shock to my system. I honestly expected to see something that played on the fun aspects of both topics, something vivid and highly animated. Instead I was treated to a visual gem, that fit so well into playing on the Victorian aspects of Steampunk. The page layouts were just something I can’t get over. A journal style of story telling, meaning the lettering is presented in a script typeface, on top of artwork that comes across to me as highly detailed sketches. The combination of these two elements sets the visual tone so well. At the start I did have a little trouble reading the font chosen, but as the issue went on I had no issues. The story itself is something that should easily please fans of both genres. I really enjoyed the pacing and the surprise ending. If anything I thought that the one more page should have been added, because I really wanted to see what was going to happen to Barrier. But I have to leave that up to my imagination. I loved this issue and can not wait for more to come, there is more coming, right? This company does horror right book after book, and I really hope that this title can expand to more issues in the future. A fantastic read that will easily appeal to anyone reading this review.

Artwork: 4.5 out of 5 • Story: 4.5 out of 5

If you would like to buy or know more about Steamcraft you can find it at


Theatre of Terror

August 6th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews |

Avengelyne: Devil in the Flesh (#1-3) – Review

by Decapitated Dan

Issues: Avengelyne #1-3
Rob Liefeld, Mark Poulton
Owen Gieni
July – September 2011
$2.99 (each)

“‘DEVIL IN THE FLESH,’ The legendary fallen angel returns to comics. As New York City’s sins are covered with a fresh blanket of snow, the psychotic serial killer, Torment, is hard at work creating new ones. Meanwhile, Avengelyne has her hands full with the Red Dragon who has taken a human vessel in search of a new apprentice. Who has the Dragon chosen as his vessel and does it have anything to do with Avengelyne’s new look? All this plus the introduction of the stunning, Heaven Starr! AVENGELYNE is a new ongoing supernatural series written by MARK POULTON (Koni Waves) with art by OWEN GIENI and letters and color assists by DEXTER WEEKS.”

Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5
Now I never read this title back in the 90’s, so going into this I did not know what to really expect. Writer Mark Poulton had emailed me and said “Dan, you need to read this. Horror elements can be found throughout this book.” I was skeptical but I took him up on it, thinking I was so going to prove him wrong. Consider me schooled folks. This first arc has so much HELL in it, that I was quickly taking back my skepticism and now I have to urge you to check this out. The artwork by Gieni is GORE-Geous. My jaw dropped to floor so many times that I said screw it, and left it there. The colors in these issues are amazing as well. The whole combination from the art team deserves a round of applause, because they made gore look so damn good. This first story arc just jumps right into the action. People who know nothing about the characters past can be put at ease because it is such a safe jumping on point. They even went and added some history pages in the back of every issue, so you can understand who the cast was in the issues from the 90’s. Pacing is on point, and you have to love when they take a quick second to poke fun of the pouches. Overall this book was beyond what I could have ever expected, and wanted. I can not wait to dive into the second arc, and I will urge you all to take a look at this series. From the stunning artwork to a great storyline, this one has everything I could want in a comic and so much more.

Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 4.5 out of 5

If you would like to buy or know more about Avengelyne you can find it at



Theatre of Terror

August 3rd, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Blah, Games |


by M.I.K.

Slender is a free pyschological/survival horror indie game by Mark J Hadley, based on the internet urban legend of the ‘Slender Man’, a supernatural creature, fond of kidnapping children and usually depicted as a tall, thin figure, dressed in a black suit and tie, with a completely featureless face and elongated arms, (and sometimes also has tentacly things sprouting out of his back).

The origins of the story can be traced back to a thread titled ‘Create Paranormal Images’, started on the Something Awful forums back in 2009. Since then, there’s been a whole load of mock documentaries, fan art and yes, videogames. A variation of the character has even popped up in Minecraft.

If you want to know more about the phenomena, simply search for “slender man”. The internet’s crammed with stuff relating to it.

Slender, the game is a relatively simple affair. In fact, I find it very reminiscent of the 30 year old 3D Monster Maze on the ZX81, with Slender Man taking the place of the Tyrannosaur, and the maze replaced with dark woodland. However, do not let this lull you into a false sense of security. Despite appearances, 3D Monster Maze is still an incredibly tense game when you sit down to play it. Slender, too, may have a simple premise, but it’s also scary as hell. Seriously.

The aim of the game is to collect 8 pages, while avoiding contact with The Slender Man. Even looking directly at him is a bad idea. Instructions are included with the game itself and the controls are fairly simple.

I’ve lived in the countryside most my life. I’ve been around a lot of woods and foresty places. I’ve sometimes wandered around them when it’s been dark. I’ve then often wondered what the flip I’m doing there. This game captures the feel of that perfectly.

You can download the game from the official site here or this fansite, which has more information.

You may also want to check out some of the numerous YouTube videos showing people, (mostly grown men), screaming like little girls while playing this.

Best played in the dark, at night, when you’re alone, (if you want to scare the poo out of yourself, that is).


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