May 16th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews |

Product of Society #5 – Review

by Decapitated Dan

Issue: Product of Society #5
Creators: Jon Michael Lennon, Leo Perez, Chris Newman, B. Alan Hubbard, Lauren Burke, Andrew Dimitt, Don Hills, Kyle Lawler, Donovan Klingal, Josh Filer, Mat Festa, Thor Fjalarsson and Sarah Hollings
Publisher: CheeseLord Comics
Release Date: March 2012
Price: $5.00

“Synopsis An anthology of Earth’s most disturbed persons. Product of Society features comics covering all known genres from a wide be selection of upcoming indie talents. It is an echo chamber for the despair within the human soul that makes us all products of society.”

Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
Dirty, Smut, Filth, Trash, Horror GOODNESS! Each word can only bring 1 oz of justice to the pages of Product of Society #5. I want to start with the cover art because that is just GORE-Geous! I want a story based on whatever is going on there. And the back cover is magnificent! Like most anthologies this book is filled with varying art and story telling styles. I really think that every single artist in this issue is amazing in what they do. They all have a unique visual voice that might not look like it’s neighbor story, but they all play together so well. Visually this book is a winner. So how do the stories hold up? What I always seem to notice in an anthology is some kind a variance in what I enjoy, compared to something that just is not for me. I highly enjoyed 6 of the 8 stories in this book. I did find that some could use a little polishing on the dialogue, but overall it is a solid collection of tales. The highlights for me were “Re:Salvation”, “Moon Shits”, and “Her Eyes”. Out of all the stories these 3 were my favorites. Product of Society may be a mature title, but what is collected inside of it, is solid comic silver. Polishing up some of the edges for future issues will easily put this book in a gold class all on its own, it is worth every penny.

Artwork: 4.5 out of 5Story: 4.0 out of 5

If you would like to buy or know more about Product of Society #5 you can find it at

by Decapitated Dan

Theatre of Terror

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