May 10th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews |

Mongrel #1 – Review

by Decapitated Dan

Issue: Mongrel: Son of a Bitch #1
Writer: Edward Dunphy
Artist: Andrew Mitchell Kudlka
Publisher: Velvet Leaf Publishing
Price: $4.99

“Mongrel: Son of a Bitch is a 3-part gritty urban horror comic mini-series created by writer Ed Dunphy and artist Andrew M. Kudelka. It’s about Eric, a vicious werewolf that’s Hell-bent on destroying an established supernatural wolfpack in Chicago, and Will, the tough-as-nails homicide detective who is trying to solve the gruesome string of murders on his turf. The 1st full-color issue debuted at DanCon 2012 and will see a second limited release at C2E2 in Chicago in April. After a planned April Kickstarter campaign, the book will be available for order online at and in select comic shops. The second issue will be ready in early summer, followed by the finale in late summer. Those wishing updates should contact the creators at:”

Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5
Someone call PETA there is a werewolf massacre taking place! From GORE-Geous artwork to a very engaging story Mongrel #1 has it all. The art by Kudelka is spot on from panel to panel. He draws an amazing looking werewolf and has a great grasp on the human form as well. Now personally I know that this book came out in black and white, and while I like it with the color, I do think it worked better in the B&W style, personal preference though. The story by Dunphy is gripping and action packed. For a first issue it does a great job of setting up for the series as well as grabbing my mind and making it want more. The dialogue is perfect and I really got a sense of being there, almost as if I was watching a movie. With more issues on the horizon I can not wait to see how this plays out. With the werewolf resurgence in full effect right now it is awesome to get Mongrel out there for the masses. This is a series not to be missed.

Artwork: 4.5 out of 5Story: 4.5 out of 5

If you would like to buy or know more about Mongrel #1 you can find it at

by Decapitated Dan

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