August 7th, 2010 | → 2 Comments | ∇ Horror Art |

Freaky Japanese Art by Gōjin Ishihara

by Ghastly McNasty

Interesting discovery on Pink Tentacle, a site dedicated to weird Japanology. There’s a post covering a collection of illustrations by Gōjin Ishihara that appeared in a load of Japanese kids books from the 70’s.

Yamasei (mountain sprite), Illustrated Book of Japanese Monsters, 1972

Yamasei (mountain sprite), Illustrated Book of Japanese Monsters, 1972

Nostradamus (Psychics of the World, 1974)

Nostradamus (Psychics of the World, 1974)

Tenjō-sagari (ceiling dweller), Illustrated Book of Japanese Monsters, 1972

Tenjō-sagari (ceiling dweller), Illustrated Book of Japanese Monsters, 1972

Above is just a handful of these unusual illustrations. You can view more of these creepy pictures by visiting the original Pink Tentacle article. Useful for inspiration in the horror department.


Theatre of Terror

June 3rd, 2008 | → 1 Comments | ∇ Horror Art |

Joshua Hoffine: Photographer of the damned

by Ghastly McNasty

I just came across the website of Joshua Hoffine, and just had to shout about it. Josh’s own brand of twistedness has materialised in an extremely dark series of photographs that are absolutely jaw-dropping.

Hoffine seems to be influenced by horror films and each of his own photographs could easily be seen as a horror movie poster that should have been made. Instead of using illustrations, or faking his imagery through Photoshop, Josh’s photographs are given their terror with the clever use of make-up, props and effective lighting. These are some of the scariest photos I have seen so please take a look.

Scary Photo

Take a look at his awesome horror photography website.

You can also check out Joshua’s blog here.


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